

Ceph Object Storage:又稱為Ceph物件閘道或RADOS Gateway(RADOSGW,亦可簡稱為RGW),提供RESTful的API介面,可相容於Amazon S3雲端儲存服務,以及OpenStack的 ...

Cinder 與Ceph 整合· OpenStack Newton 安裝for Ubuntu

Ceph Cinder 整合. 首先在 Controller 或 Cinder Node 上安裝Ceph,並將conf 檔推給串接節點: $ ceph-deploy install <node>. ceph-deploy 可以用 pip install ...

Openstack With CEPH

The next step is to configure CEPH. First, we'll create a pool on the ceph monitor for openstack, then we'll deploy it to all openstack nodes.

How OpenStack uses Ceph for storage

Ceph is an open source project that provides software-defined storage with unified (object, block, and file) storage. You can scale out this ...

External Ceph — kolla

When openstack services access Ceph via a Ceph client, the Ceph client will look for a local keyring. Ceph presets the keyring setting with ...

Red Hat OpenStack* Platform with Red Hat Ceph* Storage

Reference Architecture: Guide to deploying private clouds based on the Red Hat OpenStack* Platform with Red Hat Ceph* Storage using Intel® products.

第3 章将OpenStack 配置为使用Ceph 块设备

作为存储管理员,您必须配置红帽OpenStack 平台以使用Ceph 块设备。红帽OpenStack 平台可以将Ceph 块设备用于Cinder、Cinder Backup、Glance 和Nova。

Block Devices and OpenStack

To use Ceph Block Devices with OpenStack, you must install QEMU, libvirt , and OpenStack first. We recommend using a separate physical node for your OpenStack ...

Ceph and OpenStack – Best Practices Part I

當然在使用Ceph 作為OpenStack Glance, Cinder 的backend 會有一些能夠在設定上調整的最佳實踐。本篇文章將會介紹這些如何調整以及為什麼要進行這些設定。


CephObjectStorage:又稱為Ceph物件閘道或RADOSGateway(RADOSGW,亦可簡稱為RGW),提供RESTful的API介面,可相容於AmazonS3雲端儲存服務,以及OpenStack的 ...,CephCinder整合.首先在Controller或CinderNode上安裝Ceph,並將conf檔推給串接節點:$ceph-deployinstall.ceph-deploy可以用pipinstall ...,ThenextstepistoconfigureCEPH.First,we'llcreateapoolonthecephmonitorforopenstack,thenwe'lldeployittoall...